A plane takes off from california going to boston. A blind girl on the plane wakes up and calls out for her aunt. Her aunt doesn't respond. She starts freakin out and screamin and a couple other people wake up. The calm her and then notice most of the passengers are gone. Only the ones that were sleeping when the went through the Aurora Borealis(sp?) over california(strangeness begins here) are still on the plane. Fortunately a pilot is on the plane, so he breaks into the cockpit. He tries to radio for help, but he cannot contact anybody. He lands the plane in some town in Maine(because the boston airport would be too busy and he couldn't contact them). They get out and nobody is there.
Anyway, makin a long story short, there's a fantasy writer on the plane. AFter a bunch of talkin, they figure out the aurora borealis was some kind of time rip and they have gone back in time about 15 minutes. The air seems used up, because it has been - people have passed, but they are stuck behind. The little blind girl hears a sound(like rice crispies).
ok, simpsons on, will finish later